Thursday, 20 April 2017

Bifröst River R&D Progression

A progression edit of Bifröst river playblast clips from Maya. Earliest initial tests are lower resolution and later ones are a bit higher resolution with foam also added. I have been looking into how this plugin works out of curiosity. It's great fun and I intend on doing some further tests with it.

Bifröst River R&D Progression from Paul Sheehy on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Volumetric Clouds Research and Development

This is only a small post that I have already tweeted but just logging it here also. The clouds were created in Houdini and brought into Max through OpenVDB and rendered in V-Ray. Render time was about 40 seconds.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Lightning and Hammer

This is some work I did a while ago and thought I would share it. It's quite different to the usual work I would do and the aim was to make it nice and atmospheric. I really enjoyed working on this one. The ember effects are 3D and FumeFx was used for the atmospheric smoke. I just did the shading, lighting, FX and compositing on this one. Rendered in V-Ray.
Here is a breakdown of the lighting and effects: